Thursday, January 26, 2012

Paranormal Activity 3

First of all, I should say that I might give away some plot points so stop reading now if you don't want to know anything about this movie. I still remember reading a review in Entertainment Weekly about The Sixth Sense that ruined the ending for me. I was not happy.

There's the obvious camera gimmicks that come with these movies - why do people always conveniently manage to have the camera in the exact spot it needs to be in to catch all the important stuff? It seems unlikely. And the thing about these movies is that once you know there's not a chance it's real, some of the scare is gone. But it is still creepy to watch by yourself, and there are some parts that made me jump a little. It didn't help that the lights started flickering in my living room while I was watching it. It does have its creepy moments, but not enough of them for me to have loved it. Of course, it's hard to find anything that actually scares me anymore (what they say about getting desensitized after a while is true) so I wasn't screaming every three minutes like the people they show watching it in the theater on the commercials (have these people just never seen a horror movie before?).

I didn't really understand the ending; if these are the little girls from the first and second movies, why do they not seem to remember what happened? Seemed memorable. Maybe I just missed something. In short, if you like scary movies and have already seen all the good old haunted house movies you might like this.

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