Saturday, February 21, 2015

The Prowler

I've been on an 80s slasher movie kick lately, and this is one I had never heard of. I'm not sure the title is really the best they could have done, but maybe I missed something. I've been having a hard time finding enough movies like this, where people are killed off one by one and the most fun part if figuring out who the killer is, but I enjoyed this one in spite of my desperation.

A masked killer in an Army uniform is bumping people off (with a pitchfork, randomly enough) and there's some back story about a murder back in the 40s. Good, suspenseful kill scenes (the suspense is my favorite part of these movies) and a hint as to who the killer is kept me watching despite the bad acting (it's an 80s horror flick, enough said). I will say, the way I figured out who the killer is was based on a cliché near the beginning of the movie, but this was before that was a cliché so you can't really blame them. It's always fun to watch these old movies and get upset at all the clichés and then realize oh, no that hadn't been done yet 47 times at that point in time.

If you're into 80s slasher flicks, you'll enjoy this one. Not the best I've seen, but pretty good. It's a little bit gory, not too slow, and it kept my attention. I know, not a glowing review but a fine way to spend a night in.

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